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Hello & Welcome
My name is Bridget. I am passionate about making yoga accessible and inclusive through restorative yoga and chair yoga.
I am currently taking a long break from teaching yoga. I will update this website when I am offering classes again.
Thank you for your support.


I acknowledge the land I reside on as an uninvited settler, that of the Bidjigal, Birrabirragal & Gadigal Peoples of the Eora Nation. I pay tribute and respect to Elders past, present and emerging including Sistergirl, Brotherboy, and LGBTQIA+ First Nations Peoples.

I acknowledge the collective ancestry that has brought us all here today. It is a privilege to be present on Country.


I acknowledge and embrace the roots of  Yoga, originating in South Asia more than 10,000 years ago. Yoga has been passed down, orally and then written , from teacher to student. I thank all my teachers! 


Om shanti, shanti, shanti. Om peace, peace, peace.

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